People we're looking for
Yes, it probably includes you! Let's help each other out (and do tell us how we can help you best - we're listening)
It’s the fifth Wednesday of the month, which means it’s a surprise newsletter… and the surprise is it’s all about you! I recently got a message from a new subscriber which said, “Where has this magazine been all my life?!”
And I was like: where have you been all our life? High fives that we finally found each other. 😄
We’ve never really done any proper marketing push on Intrepid Magazine, except way back at the very start, for our first print issue in January 2018. It’s all grown from word of mouth. And, yes, I know we probably should - and once everything’s settled down here I’m sure we will. But for now, I’m constantly looking for people. Hunting for the answer, as ever, to that fundamental question: “Where are all the women in adventure?”
(Seriously though, where are you hiding from me?😅)
Here are the types of people we’re always looking for and how we can help each other…
Cheerleaders and Broadcasters
People to spread the word. People to shout about women in adventure, share their stories and good media coverage - stand on that mountain! Mention this magazine to a friend or share a link online. Yes, even you. Even if you aren’t famous, don’t have a million followers and worry that your mum is the only one reading your blog. You would be amazed how much a different lots of small actions can make.
There must be hundreds of thousands of adventurous women out there. And I bet you know a couple. Let’s not keep this all a secret (there are almost 1000 of us right now!).
No one likes talking about money. But we would absolutely not be able to function without the small group of members who give this magazine monthly income. Almost all of it goes directly into paying our contributors. The more people able to support at £5/month, the more articles we can commission and the better we can pay our contributors.
We’ve lost a fair few people with the move over to Substack, so if you’d like to support us we’d really appreciate it. We need 40 of you wonderful people to break even and we’re not quite there yet!
Not that this is a charity case. You get extra content, a book except each month and gear testing opportunities. Never mind being part of an awesome group of people who’ll hopefully be meeting up for adventures as soon as we can.
If that sounds like you then thank you so much. Welcome to the crew.
We feature a new adventure book every month. I am always on the look out for new authors who’d like to be featured. We’re especially interested in self-published authors or small press, because you’re a small voice in a big pond. Your book doesn’t have to fit in with the monthly magazine theme either, so if you want to tie in with a book launch date we’re more than happy to accommodate.
Again, don’t keep it a secret. We are all about self-promotion here and helping you share your story with the world. If you’re a published author, launching a book in 2021 or know someone who is, drop me an email at
We’ve got articles lined up until the end of April, but I’ll be putting out another call for pitches for May-July very soon. You do not have to be a writer. You do not have to know how to write a “proper” pitch. I don’t judge as long as you can convey what you’d like to write about. Likewise to adventures being “big” enough or any other adjective like that.
Check out the topics we’ve got coming up for May onwards and how to pitch here (and keep scrolling).
Business Owners and Instructors
Do you own a small business related to adventure? Are you a mountain guide or a freelance kayaking instructor? Have you launched a gear brand or an event series?
We’d love to hear from you about what you do and how we could help you. I’m know there are at least a handful of you subscribed - probably more. I know how hard it is to find places to promote a start-up. Please tell us how we can help you best. We don’t want to be gatekeepers, we want to be on your side.
Again, drop me a line to say hi at
Do you regularly go on adventures and expeditions, big or small? (Well, normally.) Are you setting up a personal brand or a blog or a YouTube channel? Please tell us about it! Our monthly Adventure Bulletins come from scouring the internet. But if you tell us you exist, we can go straight there and include you. Send us a press release about your projects - or drop us a two line email to say what’s going on. No need to be pro about it. Want to collaborate somehow? We’re up for creative ideas. You have my email!
Likewise, if your followers might enjoy reading our articles, we’d really appreciate it if you told them about us. As we keep saying, we want to help people and make it so much easier to find the women in adventure. Let’s all help each other and lift everyone up.
There is no hidden agenda, we just really want to help create change 😊
Admin Update (Website)
The old website is doing it’s final glory lap and will be retiring to the big sofa in the sky by the end of the week. There are still lots of people who I haven’t managed to contact about their old membership subscription. I’m sure some of my emails have been sucked into spam.
Either way, and in case any of you are reading this, your membership will be cancelled by the end of the week. So you’ll lose access to the Online Library and all the extra members’ content. You can always sign up again here at any time.
There are still a few previous contributors who I haven’t managed to contact about getting proper credit for their articles on the new site. Know that you’re listed in the text body, but don’t appear in byline. We can fix this at any time if you can get in touch.
Otherwise, we’re ready to launch fully into this new phase of Intrepid Magazine. Onwards and upwards!
Thanks for reading,